mercredi 16 octobre 2013

Shutdown Corner fixes your team: Houston Texans

Good luck, ladies. (Getty Images) Here at Shutdown Corner, we want to help. So once a week, we'll go in and examine a team coming off a bad week, bad month, maybe a bad decade (you're in luck, Cleveland), and see what fixes can be made to turn around the season. So step aside, we've got this. Next under the microscope: the Houston Texans.

Current status: Everything's bigger in Texas, including the problems. Houston is 2-4, third place in the AFC South, after being picked as a playoff lock.

What's gone right: The defense is the best in the league in yards allowed, which is largely keeping Houston in games. The Texans' running attack is decent enough between the 20s. The Texans rank sixth in the league with just under 137 yards rushing per game. Houston also has some of its toughest competition in the rear-view mirror. Also, the team could see increased revenue from the purchase of Matt Schaub jerseys ... who cares whether they're burned after they're bought?

What's gone wrong: Pretty much every aspect of the Texans' game has failed to live up to expectations. Schaub's pick-six woes are well known, and have put the Texans on their heels in two major contests (Seattle and San Francisco). Arian Foster has one touchdown, ONE, and that's not even from rushing. The entire team is demoralized, as evidenced by the fact that Houston gave up 38 points to St. Louis last week while managing only 13.

What we'd fix: Schaub's head. He's still the quarterback here, despite the fact that a bottom-feeding sector of the fanbase booed his injury, and the T-word (that would be "Tebow") is starting to burble up in connection with the quarterback position. A defense this good can compensate for a lot of problems on the offense, but not all of them. We'd also mount a PR campaign to get out in front of the booing idiots who're fast bringing the entire fanbase's reputation down. A playoff berth may be out of reach, but this team can still save face.

The road ahead: Still on the slate are two games against Jacksonville, so that's good news. Also ahead? Two against Indianapolis and one each against Denver and New England. That's not a whole lot of wiggle room for a team that needs to pass two others to get a division championship. Still, Houston has three games remaining against the two others ahead of it, meaning its destiny is in its hands.

Can Houston turn this thing around?: It all depends on Schaub. If he's able to quiet the demons in his head, he's a solid enough quarterback to keep Houston in games. As we've seen already, though, he's got the ability to torpedo the Texans singlehandedly.


Jay Busbee is a contributor for Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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