vendredi 8 novembre 2013

Semyon Varlamov’s alleged victim: ‘He has a problem with alcohol’, wants 2 years in jail

Semyon Varlamov continues to get support back in Russia. This banner from a CSK/VVS Samara game – the team is from Varlamov's hometown – reads, “the truth is for Varlamov!”

Evgeniya Vavrinyuk, the alleged victim of domestic violence that led to the arrest of the Colorado Avalanche goalie, gave a Skype interview with Life News on Wednesday. Some highlights:

• She is very anxious, takes medication to calm down. Overall, she’s a little bit confused.

• Asked to show bruises and cuts: [turns to her attorney and his wife (who originally translated the Denver Post interview)] “My attorney tells me not to do it, because the police has all the pictures.”

• Why did this happen?

“He has a problem with alcohol. I’m not saying he drinks often, but when he has a day off, he drinks a lot. And when he drinks too much, he becomes aggressive and something goes wrong with his head.” [at 1:37]

• How much did he drink? Her attorney (outside the camera shot) says “two cases” before she can even start answering. Claims Varlamov and a friend drunk beer from 2 p.m. Claims then went to a Halloween party, where he kept drinking beer.

“I even have a video that I can send [that shows] what condition Semyon was in at 10 p.m., so you would imagine the condition he was in at 10pm and the condition he was in a 6 p.m. [I think she meant am] after he kept drinking.” [2:30 or so]

• Claims Varlamov kicked her out after she threatened to go to the police because he had beat her earlier. She is now living with her attorney and his wife. Claims Varlamov threw away her belongings and blocked her debit/credit card leaving her “with no money for a bottle of water.”

“My mother was against our relationship with Semyon. She talked to him on a cellphone more than once when there were beatings. She asked him ‘why are you doing this?’ And when I flew to America again, I didn’t tell my mother that I was in the States. Especially [that I was] with him” [at 6:30]

• Asked about mutual friends and what side they are on, said: “There are. There are girls, there are boys. Of course all the girls, all the club players are writing me, are supporting me…. Many people knew about these scandals, about these beatings, and everyone is supporting me, sending me text messages ‘be strong, be strong!’” [at 8:50]

“Imagine if your child got beat up. Or your mother was beaten. And you are defending this person, this tyrant actually. He is a tyrant of a person. When drunk he is inadequate. If needed, I can send the video [showing] the condition he was in at the time. I have it.” [at 9:47]

• Is she planning to file a civil suit for mental and physical harm caused? “Perhaps for the harm to the health, yes. But my main goal is for the person to answer in accordance with the law. And for the court to prove that he is guilty.” [at 10:30]

• He is facing two to six years in prison if convicted. Is this fair?

“You know, I lived through a lot, and I forgave a lot of things to this person. Sometimes the beatings I had were so blue, all blue, like hematomas, that I cried and there was nothing I could do. I want him to answer for all of his beatings. For all of them. I think two years would be good for him to sit [behind bars]. Let him think, you know? Because when all of this was happening and I was crying, when I was talking, he was saying ‘Who are you? I am a star. And I a player of the national team, the NHL.’ He was tearing his T-shirts and yelled ‘I am a World Champion! And who are you?’” [at 10:50]

• Why didn’t she leave? She says she loved him and tolerated it. She says she even has tattoos with his name on her body.

• Do you still love him? [after a long pause] “Probably not anymore.” [at 12:32]

“When I texted him ‘Semyon, I am with my attorney. My attorney’s name is so-so. Here is his number. Make it happen that your attorney gets in touch with my attorney.’ To which he replied ‘There are some of your things left, where could these be passed on to you?’ I wrote to him that all questions will be resolved by my attorney. ‘Have your attorney call mine.’ So, he didn’t believe to the end that I went to the police. And then he called me at night asking…sending text messages ‘Where are you? Should I reserve a hotel for you?’ Maybe somehow he wanted to hush it, but I firmly decided [to go to the police].” [at 12:50]

• Did he ask for forgiveness? “You know, when I woke up in the morning I was waiting for his forgiveness. Perhaps, if he would have held me and said ‘Forgive me! What have I done? I did it again!’ I would have forgiven him again.” [at 15:10]

• Would she take a lie detector test? “I consent! But, if it happens in America.” [at 15:45]

“Everyone is supporting him because he is a star, because he is a champion. Understand? I don’t need the dirty PR. I am a young girl, defenseless. I don’t have cool relatives. I don’t have big people. I took this step because I was tired of tolerating this. I was tired! I want everyone to know what kind of a person he is! Everyone here chants ‘Varly! Varly! Valry! Varly is the best!’ Let them know now what it is like.” [at 17:13]

• Her attorney and his wife jump in to give more direction before finally telling her to stop the interview [at 18:05]

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