jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Andrea Pirlo does an entire interview while wearing a scary pumpkin mask

Feeling the Halloween spirit after beating Catania 4-0 on Wednesday, Juventus midfielder Andrea Pirlo decided/was convinced to wear a scary pumpkin mask for the entirety of his post-match interview with the club's YouTube channel. The beard somehow contained within the mask is usually enough to terrify opponents and woodland creatures alike, but Pirlo apparently the felt the mask was a bit more festive.

He scored the second goal of the match with yet another beautiful free kick and he discussed the day's events from within the surely uncomfortable confines of the mask like it wasn't even there. Finally, after giving his last answer, he pulled the mask off and revealed that his beard was still in tact. Ready to knife fight a pack of zombies while sipping an espresso made from the souls of the damned.

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Brooks Peck is the editor of Dirty Tackle on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him or follow on Twitter!

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