mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Shocking news: Nick Saban has never considered joining Twitter

News you could have predicted if you pay any attention whatsoever to college football: Alabama coach Nick Saban will not be joining Twitter.

Hold your disappointment please. We understand how traumatic this could be, even if you saw it coming from 100 miles away.

"I've never considered joining Twitter, nor do I know why anybody would," Saban said Tuesday. "There's a lot of people that do and I guess that I'm one of the ones in the minority."

(Dr. Saturday is on Twitter. Follow us!)

He's actually one of only two SEC coaches who aren't on Twitter. The other one may surprise you though, as it's Steve Spurrier, the most quotable coach in the SEC. Could you imagine a Spurrier twitter account? The trolling would be off the charts. South Carolina, make this happen please.

On the other hand, a Saban Twitter account would just include the word "process" every three tweets. The "process" of tweeting would be fun though. Hey Texas, if you offer Saban the entire world to become your next football coach, require that he joins Twitter. We'd get to see how passionately anti-Twitter he is.

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Nick Bromberg is the assistant editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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