jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Kaz Uehara plays tag, answers questions while Red Sox celebrate their World Series win

BOSTON — This postseason has given America a new favorite baseball kid.

His name is Kaz Uehara. He's 7. He runs around the field most days and copies his dad — Red Sox closer Koji Uehara. Kaz gave one "crazy" interview to Erin Andrews on national TV after the Boston Red Sox's World Series win Wednesday night. Then while the adults were celebrating and taking pictures and the like, Kaz ran around Fenway Park playing tag.

The kid of the hour was literally running circles around me, so I got him to stop and answer a few more questions before he darted off again.

How does it feel to be in the middle of a World Series celebration?

"Quite good."

What's the best part of being a kid at the World Series?

"Being in pictures."

What was the key to the game for the Red Sox?

"My dad closing the game."

After that, he ran across the field and gave his mom a hug. Sounds like a damn fine night for a 7-year-old.

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Mike Oz is an editor for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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