jeudi 31 octobre 2013

This Red Sox fan correctly predicted the World Series back in March

(Getty Images) Here's the thing about making predictions: You're usually wrong. Take this year's World Series, nobody picked the Boston Red Sox to win.

When I say "nobody," that's not total hyperbole. Pundit Tracker collected World Series predictions from baseball pundits and checked back on how we did. In short: Not good. Nobody on Pundit Tracker's list picked the Red Sox or the Cardinals to make the World Series. But one Red Sox fan did.

In fact, he predicted the exact outcome we saw Wednesday night all the way back on March 26. His name is Tommy Corsi and he's a recent high-school graduate from Franklin, Mass. Take a bow, Tommy.

Too bad you don't win a prize for something like that. At least his favorite team won the World Series and he gets to gloat about being smarter than every baseball pundit around.

As for me? I had the Washington Nationals beating the Los Angeles Angels in the series. Feel free to shame me on Twitter

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Mike Oz is an editor for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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