jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Details emerge on Semyon Varlamov alleged domestic violence incident

Denver Police Semyon Varlamov will wake up Thursday in a cell of his own the morning after turning himself in to police on domestic violence charges. Those charges, according to Denver police, are second-degree kidnapping and third-degree assault.

According to the attorney for the accuser, Varlamov allegedly threw the woman into a wall and began to stomp on her. He also added, in an interview with CBS 4 Denver, that this wasn't the first time that 25-year old netminder had allegedly assaulted the woman.

In an interview with R-Sport, Varlamov's father, Alexander, said his son is innocent.

"There will be a hearing, and only afterwards will we be able to give some kind of comment," Alexander Varlamov said. "I can only say one thing with complete responsibility: No crime has been committed whatsoever," he added.

"The media have simply blown the situation out of proportion: There was no kidnapping, even less any kind of acts of violence. I can't say any more, because the lawyer won't be too happy," Alexander Varlamov said.

Varlamov will stand in front of a judge Thursday morning at 10 a.m. local time to answer to these charges.

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Sean Leahy is the associate editor for Puck Daddy on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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