mercredi 30 octobre 2013

World Series candids: Scenes from the Red Sox’s victory celebration at Fenway Park

BOSTON — When closer Koji Uehara fanned Matt Carpenter to secure the Red Sox's first World Series victory at Fenway Park since 1918, the party was just beginning.

There were trophies to be awarded, families to greet, interviews to do, champagne to spray and beers to chug. And that's just what we got to see in the immediate aftermath of the Red Sox's win. You can believe this party is going to last for a few days. You know how Boston gets down.

We captured various scenes from the post-World Series hysteria, from beard tugs to beer runs, from Big Papi's fashion choices to the Bullpen Cop's signature pose. Click on the photo above to start the slideshow.

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Mike Oz is an editor for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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