mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Jamie Sadlowski hits a drive 328 yards … from his knees

Jamie Sadlowski — AP The RE/MAX Long Drive Championship kicks off on Wednesday at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, but you don't have to wait until 9 PM Eastern to see some ridiculous power.

Jamie Sadlowski, the 2008 and '09 champion, was getting prepared for the finals when the great folks at Callaway challenged him to a long drive competition ... from his knees.

Sadlowski, a slight young man who produces ridiculous power at just 170 pounds and once hit a golf ball through one of the Golf Channel swing simulators with a 7-iron, not only won the competition, but poked one 328 yards off his knees, a ridiculous, ridiculous number considering a lot of these guys produce their major power from their base.

The championships kick off tonght at 9 PM ET on Golf Channel, so make sure you swing over and watch these guys hit some drives that travel well over 400 yards, especially with the elevated tee the competition introduced this year.

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