jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Comedian Pete Holmes has a rather unique basketball discussion with James Harden (Video)

James Harden tries to figure out what just happened to him (Getty Images)

Comedian and talk show host Pete Holmes may stand 6-6, but he’s not much of a basketball player, and admittedly not much of a sports bro. This doesn’t hinder the host of the ‘Pete Holmes Show’ any while discussing the game with Houston Rockets star James Harden, who seems equally bemused, confused, and charmingly put-off by Holmes’ line of questioning in Wednesday night’s episode.

Courtesy of the show, take a look at a clip that is NSFW, but bleeped out enough so as not to offend:

Nearly as offensive are Holmes attempts at playing the game. Though Pete admits on his podcast that he often visualizes himself playing basketball as a way to combat insomnia (take it from me – this actually works), his skills on the court are seriously lacking.

Pete showed off as much, following his talk with Harden, and James’ basketball camp:

(The shooting form is NSFW.)

Alley-whoops. Alley-whoops INDEED.

via Y! Sports Blogs - Yahoo Sports

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