mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Billy Beane is related to Angelina Jolie — along with Madonna, Hillary Clinton and Celine Dion


Billy Beane might have to make a statement, in case it becomes a big deal among Oakland Athletics fans — or people who have read or seen "Moneyball" — that it turns out he's related by blood to Brad Pitt's better half, Angelina Jolie. Pitt, of course, played the A's GM in the "Moneyball" motion picture. Or maybe it's the other way around.

Regardless that statement by Beane would be: "We're not selling genes here."

The San Jose Mercury News reports that Beane found out he's kin to all sorts of famous people Saturday night during a fundraising event for the California Genealogical Society and Library. Beane's relatives include Madonna (10th cousins, one generation removed), Celine Dion (11th cousins, once removed), Hillary Clinton (10th cousins, three times removed) and Camilla Parker-Bowles (11th cousin, two times removed).

" 'Alo, what?"says Great Britain.

Bean joked (probably) with Mercury News reporter Daniel Brown in a phone conversation: "I wasn't going to say anything, but now I can: This is the reason Madonna and I have never dated."

You see, he's joking, but he's also Billy Beane, so he might not be. From the Mercury News:

As it turns out, Beane's mother's side is connected to the earliest wave of French settlers in Canada, which explains his link to Madonna and just about everyone else of French-Canadian descent.

Another distant but verifiable cousin is Angelina Jolie, a revelation that prompted Beane to call Brad Pitt after the show to alert him to a belated plot twist in "Moneyball."

This all started with Abraham Martin and his wife, Marguerite Langlois, the second French family to settle in Canada. They landed in 1619, about the same time Bud Selig began studying the A's proposed moved to San Jose.

A great line there by Brown (no relation, probably) about San Jose. Just imagine Beane calling Brad Pitt. He can do that, you know. What a world. And we're all apparently related to each other. Especially Kevin Bacon.

At least the Beane family tree doesn't extend to Madonna, Geraldo Rivera and a diseased yak.

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David Brown is an editor for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him or follow him on Twitter!

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