jeudi 31 octobre 2013

The Baylor tarp has reached the end of the road

(USA Today Sports Images)

Baylor's tarp in the south end zone stands at Floyd Casey Stadium has been an internet mocking point for the past few seasons (it even has a parody twitter account). But it'll be gone against Oklahoma.

The school announced that it would be selling south end zone seats for the game November 7 against the Sooners, which could be a game that determines the Big 12 champion. The logoed tarp has been used to hide empty seats.

It's also not going to be in place for Baylor's game against Texas, so that means that the Baylor tarp is officially dead, as Baylor Stadium is set to open next season to replace Floyd Casey Stadium.

Rest in peace, tarp. It's been a good run.

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Nick Bromberg is the assistant editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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