mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Bill Belichick dressing like a pirate, and smiling too? Yup, that happened (Photo)

(Instagram: lindah_bbchick) There have been some stunning costumes involving regular people doing NFL people, and vice versa, this Halloween season.

Everyone will have their favorite. Baby Andy Reid is tremendously cute. The Sean Payton and Rob Ryan tandem costume was quite nice.

But this one might be the most stunning and fantastic yet.

Bill Belichick — yes, the one you thought you knew! — was tagged in this Instagram Insta-classic photo by his belle. Just ... wow.

Pirates are hot this season. The Johnny Depp movies are still fresh in our minds, people love going around saying "arrrghhhh," and the Tom Hanks movie "Captain Phillips," featuring a slightly different kind of pirate, is doing well at the box office.

But this takes the notion of a pirate in a totally bizarre direction. The idea of the New England Patriots head coach holding a sword to someone's neck isn't a stretch, but the rest of the getup is a hilarious mind-bender.

Just sit back and imagine the back story for this one. Like how the idea was first pitched and what reaction it was met with.

Maybe we don't know Belichick all that well after all.

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Eric Edholm is a writer for Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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