mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Pass or Fail: NHL Menace hats, complete with snarling cartoon teeth

If you haven’t noticed, NHL hats have been embraced by younger demographics that might not necessarily fancy themselves hockey fans. This leads to conversations in public spaces that typically sound like this:

“Hey, nice Minnesota Wild hat. You think they should be giving Heatley that much time on the power play, given his shooting percentage on special teams over the last three seasons?”

“I dunno man, it’s green.”

That said, it’s cool to see NHL swag embraced as a socially hip fashion accessory, given how much Nickelback we hear at games.

Zephyr has created several styles of NHL hats that go beyond the typical lids available at sporting goods stores. Which is great news if you’re someone that’s always felt the real estate under the brim was sorely underdeveloped, and a perfect canvas on which to paint cartoon teeth.

Behold “The Menace” hats, which take the usual designs for NHL lids and add snarling mouths to them in a place where people taller than you will never see them.

Here’s the complete line thus far, as The Menace is a phantom for a handful of teams:

(Note: We don't know why the Penguins and Kings are listed twice.)

Obviously like any NHL gear, it’s a little hit or miss. The Blackhawks one, although not teeth, is amazing. And any time we can REMEMBER THE WHALE, it’s a good thing.

But the Colorado Avalanche one looks like grandpa has constipation.

The Los Angeles Kings one looks like a rock formation.

And nothing says “Les Habitants” like jagged space worm teeth, right?

(We’ll also note that Zephyr doesn’t have snarly cartoon teeth hats for the NASHVILLE PREDATORS.)

Overall, they’re pretty cool, if you’re someone that likes living in a constant fear of being devoured by a toothy monster. (We imagine this is #GerbeLife.)

What say you?

Pass or Fail: The Menace hats from Zephyr.

via Y! Sports Blogs - Yahoo Sports

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