mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Koji Uehara’s son Kaz gives best World Series interview ever

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Erin Andrews of Fox Sports made a great decision to ask Kaz Uehara, the young son of Boston Red Sox closer Koji Uehara, two questions on the dais shortly after the Game 6 of the World Series ended. The younger Uehara wasn't verbose, but he still managed to make a few seconds of TV magic when Andrews gave him a chance to speak. Considering that Fenway Park in Boston was pure bedlam given that the Red Sox had just beaten the St. Louis Cardinals 6-1, and smoke from fireworks were clouding the field, and that TV interviews tend to be awkward to begin with, everybody did pretty well:

Erin Andrews: How proud are you of your dad?

Kaz Uehara: Good.

Erin Andrews: How hard are you going to celebrate tonight, Kaz?

Kaz Uehara: Crazy?

Crazy is exactly right, young man.

David Brown is an editor for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him or follow him on Twitter!

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