mardi 29 octobre 2013

San Diego State baseball team plays game in Halloween costumes

The San Diego State baseball team held their third annual Halloween game on Sunday afternoon, and some of the costumes worn were absolutely outstanding.

Barack Obama was on the mound working on his first pitch arsenal. There was a full grown baby — diaper, pacifier and bonnet included — manning the hot corner while a gorilla gave signs just feet away in the coaching box. Will Ferrell's Elf character was in attendance and even started a smooth double play. And we can’t forget the San Diego Chargers cheerleader who skipped around the bases after hitting a long home run to left field.

It was a sight to be behold.

Those are just a few great costumes on display, but two stood out for their creativity and degree of difficulty on a baseball diamond.

1. The Facebook icon

Wearing perhaps the most restrictive costume on the field, the Facebook Icon had a lot of ground to cover at shortstop, but did so remarkably well. Check out the video around the :40 mark and you’ll be impressed by his agility, mobility and arm strength and accuracy despite wearing what amounts to a cardboard box with arm holes.

As you'll see at 2:12, he just needs to work on his head first slide.

2. The Jamaican bobsled team

This one took a team effort, but was by far the most elaborate and creative costume. Move ahead to 1:50 to watch him — well, actually them — smack a ball into center field and then get thrown out at first base by 10 feet.

Hey, the dirt track just wasn’t fast enough for these skilled bobsledders.

Of course, the game was all in good fun, and it appears the players all embraced it and had a good time with it. It was a nice outing for fans, too. They were not charged to attend, and many received special Halloween treats throughout.

Check out MLB GIFS for more scenes from the game.

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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

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